Exabytes beginner

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Kesidang (vallaris glabra)

my kesidang (vallaris glabra) is blooming. Every night when i reach home, the rich sweet pandan smell is in the air. Some people who like the pandan smell will really love it.My mother hate the smell, infact she said the smell will trigger her migrain. The smell of the kesidang flower is said to be resemble to the rice smell, describe why in nothern region of Malaysia it is called kerak nasi which literally means rice leftover.The flower also known in western as bread flower, perhaps because of the white color? hahh... just my wild guest.

Kesidang is a climber which make it a very nice companion to your trellis or pergola.It can be easily propagated by layering technic.Layering can be done by pull the branch until it touch the ground or the medium , then put something heavy , like a brick on the branch to make it always touch the ground. after +- 2 weeks, new root will come out for the part that touch the ground. Cut the branch and plant it somewhere else. It can be grown in a pot too...Other way to propagate is grafting. although stem cutting will grow into new plant if you are lucky, by the chance to stem cutting to root is quite low. A little help from root hormone might increase the chances to survive...:)

The leave is quite big, from a far it look like mango leave...:) the leave surface is shiny.Kesidang leave can easily turn yellow and drop if you give not enough water, esp in dry season like now. This the kesidang photo from my garden... Really love the clean white flower with the unique petals and the smellll.....so refereshing....My mother will hate me for this. Next time when she come to visit I'll make sure no buds is allow to bloom....:)

p/s: kesidang is said to be the symbol of malay folks, whic always rich with adab, budi bahasa dan kesopanan.


  1. Salam Nor,

    I had been to melur.com, came to it by search for pokok ajaib. You have a great site there.

    My question to you is about Gynura species.

    I am planting two types right now: One given by chinese breast ca patients; after search it appears like okinawa spinach; daun hijau atas bawah dan berbulu.

    Satu lagi adalah duan keorenan, bawah daun keungguan, dan bunganya kecil2 warna oren.

    My question: apa nama sebenar kedua versi itu dan yang warna oren tu bolehkah dimakan sebagai ulam?

    Yang mana orang Melayu panggil pokok sambung nyawa?

    Terima kasih.

  2. satu lagi; kebanyakan link ke image herbal di melur.com terputus dan gambar pokok tak dapat dilihat.

  3. Nor, your earlier post Thursday, August 31, 2006; unknown flower: I think that is one of the gynura species, I am talking about. Now, I am really confused :-), maklum master tak tau nama pokok tu or probably by now you've got the name. Is it one of the gynura species?

  4. Waalakumussalam Has,

    Saya dah dapat nama untuk unknown flower yang warna oren tu. itu ialah Chrysothemis pulchella atau lebih dikenali dengan nama copper leaf, sunset bell, black flamingo.Nama melayu tak tahu. Jumpa nama saintifiknya dalam Garden Asia.No medicinal value mention about this plant.

    gynura spesis yang saya kenal ada dua. satu sambung nyawa (gynura procumbens) dan satu lagi daun dewa (gynura pseudochina).Daun sambung nyawa biasa dijadikan ulam, daun dewa pulak jarang sikit orang nak makan.daun dewa ni kalau belah utara atau timur lebih dikenali dengan nama setwar barah. khasiat sama ngan daun sambung nyawa jugak.

    thanks for the feedback, tapi image mana yang putus ye...sebab saya check dari laptop saya sume nampak okay...mungkin ambik dari cache...kalau boleh feedback kat saya link mana yang broken, thanks alot


  5. hi nor, i received ur comments this morning, sorry for not mintak permission pasal nama2 tumbuhan saintifik yg i cilok tempohari.. i updated the site and if u still feel unhappy, i'll be happy to remove the articles.. thank you again.. selamat pagi jumaat yg ceria..

  6. Its okay wang,

    I'm glad to share. thanks for updating it.after all, that's the way it should be right?...:)

    best regards

  7. Nor, this page about sambung nyawa, gambarnya saya tak dapat lihat:

    Pokok sambung nyawa yang saya tanam, akhirnya tumbuh dan terdapat dua jenis, satu daunnya agak lebih besar, tebal dan rapuh, sedap juga buat ulam. Agaknya yang ini gynura procumbens.

    Yang satu lagi duan dia nipis dan kecil. Agaknya yang ni daun dewa atau pseudochina.

    Bila saya search image dalam internet, daun gynura yang mat salleh tanam, bawah daun dia warna unggu. U ada species tu?
