Exabytes beginner

Friday, April 16, 2010

From Nor's Paradise

Monday, December 11, 2006
Nor's Paradise
my eldest daughter nursery is having a school holiday program and ask me to teach those young fellow how to garden. She's so excited that mama is going to tech her friends so she keep on talking about it the whole week until saturday when my second daughter infected with conjunctivitis. Then , she became so frustated and scare that me and her will get it too. Luckily we are still safe when the day came and she's so happy and eagerly help me with all the pots and garden tools....:) Proud of her mum....hehehe...i still remember when she's small when somebody ask what's her mother occupation, she would always said that mama grow plant...:) some even guess that i'm a gardener...:)

I hope that my daughters will enjoy gardening as mush as i do and as much as my mother do.well.... it's a trait in the family i guess....:)

1 comment:

  1. i remember writing this entrance when my daughter was just just 6 , now she's 10 , and she never grow anything. Not even interested at all in any kind plants...hehehehe...kids...they are so adorable when they were small...:-)
