Exabytes beginner

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I just finished my conversation with one of the MARA officer from penang Mara headquarters. It is very dissapointing dan de-motivating, destructing.... i Felt sooo...down... oh my God... this is the person the goverment placed to motivate Malays in Business? No wonder we are still the same after all those years.

Sebenarnya MARA memang bagus, the mission, the vission, the service all good and benificial. Infact MARA help so many people achieve their dreams...Cuma orang-orang cam ini yang men'spoil'kan MARA punya mission.Is this the reason why penang MALAYS are always dalam dilema?

To be honest, this is the first time i contact MARA to ask consultation for my business,and perhaps it is the last. Here's my conversation for your own judgement and review...:) eventhough he sound so friendly, yet the conversation itself is useless, fruitless and what-ever-less.

me: Assalamualaikum...can I speak to ***** **** ***?
**: Ya bercakap.
Me: Tadi saya ada tanya receptionist dan dia suruh saya cakap dengan encik pasal ...

( he interupted without waiting for me to finish my words, sounds like he is so busy to talk to me...come on...i thought its their job to help?)

** : Pasal apa?
me : saya ada tanya , tapi saya tak tau nak pergi ke mana (what i mean is i dont know who to ask)
**: hah?... tak tau nak pergi ke mana?
me: maksud saya saya tak tau nak tanya siapa , jadi saya harap Encik boleh tolong.saya ada business nurseri pokok online...
**: hah kalau nurseri , jangan tanya MARA, kena tanya jabatan pertanian, mardi dan seumpamanya untuk bimbingan. Bila mula bukak nurseri?
me: saya rasa....
**: mana boleh rasa-rasa, buat business tak boleh rasa-rasa.
Me: maksud saya saya mula serius sekitar hujung 2004...
**: kat mana tapak business sekarang.
Me: ya...sebab tu......
**: Mara cuma berikan pembiayaan , selebihnya peniaga kena cari sendiri.
Me: ya saya faham,buat masa ni saya rasa saya tak perlukan bantuan kewangan lagi, saya cuma nak tahu kalau MARA boleh nasihatkan saya kat mana saya boleh dapatkan tanah....

**: Mara tak boleh sediakan tanah... yang tu peniaga kena cari sendiri, sewa sendiri.Takkan semua nak harapkan Mara.Kalau semua nak harapkan MARA teruklah... Kena la usaha sendiri jugak...

At this point , I already lost my hope.This is the first time i called them.They way he lectured me was like i've ask him so many time b4.it's quite difficult for me to understand the way this fellow think, more accurately, the way he behave.

Whatever I do after this, insyaallah i'll never ask consultation from them again.This is really dissapointing. I thought they are good, yet they are so arrogant and always look down to other people.Why? Are they to busy to entertain ikan bilis like me? Or they thought everybody called MARA just for their money? Please la...I called them because i still remember , in one of the course they organized the very same person said, you can always get consultation from MARA , it is not necessary money but anything to help you to operate your business .That's why i did called them.I need help now and i need it desprately but i dont know where to go.My business is expanding and i need guidance, motivation, consultation, or whatever you call it.Money alone will never help me, and for now, even it's tough i can still survive on my own.

Me: Tak pe la... Terima kasih

So i just hang up.I feel so stupid to call MARA and let them jeopardize and ruin my spirit and excitement.In the last few weeks, i keep on thinking to meet them personally and have some chit chat on my business, but since then, forget-about-it.

Prior to this waste-my-time conversation, i did called PERDA and they were good and full of encouragement.Eventhough in the meantime they cannot really help, but at least they some idea on what to do next, which is very helpful.The officer treat me with respect, even congratulate me for having a spirit to do something different.At least i was motivated after taking to them.

Next time if I need help, i know where to go, and it's definitely not to the same arrogant guy.

Well for those who like to know what I do, feel free to visit my page at:


and remember : Everything starts small !


  1. Salam,

    Teruk betul layanan MARA kepada awak. Betul ke begitu?

    Awak ke empunya melur.com? Menarik dan banyak informasi.

    Mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama.


  2. Ya...cam tu le citernya...saya sebenarnya bangga sebab MARA memang bagus dan banyak menolong org melayu, tapi kerenah sesetengah officer yang dah ada their own mindset ni yang buat ramai orang putus angin nak mintak tolong MARA.Kok ya pun tanya la elok-elok dulu sebelum nak bambu. kita nikan budak baru belajar...kalau dah belum apa-apa dah kena sergah terkujat la jugak... abis dulu the very same person jugak yang beriya-iya cakap kat dalam ceramah dia MARA sudi menolong apa saja...tapi bila kita mintak tolong ...kena sergah pulak.

    kerjasama apa tu?

    wassalam, nor

  3. Itulah cobaan...may that officer behaviour only...if time try MARA HQ or Kementerian Pertanian. Jika nak pijam duit try Bank Pertanian...so far Jabatan Kerajaan ini ok sebenarnya....may that officer aje..may be mood tak baik ari tu...

  4. itu biasa . masa kursus atou motivasi semua ok. semua bagus. semua boleh kerjasama. nak cari makan ma. tapi, sebagai pro dalam bidangnya memamng dia takleh cakap macam tu.anyway diapun manusia juga. tapi kita fikir dari sudut positif. Saya akan buktikan mara tak tolong pun saya boleh buat dan saya rasapun you boleh buat bedasarkan you punya kandungan webside. wallahuaklam

  5. Cayo2 Kak Nor.. You r my inspiration... Akak cari tanah kt maner?

  6. ooh pengalaman saya di FRIM pula amat berbeza.
    Penulis buku,mengenai penanaman rebung buluh sangat baik hati . Semua ilmu handak diberinya. sayangnya, saya juga tak cukup tanah nak meneruskan projek.

  7. Hmm... memang ada officer yang begitu sikapnya kat mana2 department, mungkin tak ramai.

    Jangan mudah mengalah..mesti cekal

    Tapi saya tengok website saudari walaupun simple tapi penuh dengan informasi.

    Keep up the good work.Congratulation!
