Basically there are to way to store the shopping cart item before the customers checkout and confirm their selection:
1. Store it to database table
2. Store to multidimensional array
In this article, I am going to discus on how to store the shopping cart items into multidimensional array and store the array elements into the database table. To learn how to create MS Access database please view my tutorial; Create MS Access Database table
Traditionally , the shopping catalog will display the items before the user can choose to buy it.
1. First we need to connect to the database.
dim db_string
cs="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"&_
" DBQ="&db_string&";"
Set cn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.mode=3 'adModeReadWrite, to avoid unspecified problem error cs
1. Store it to database table
2. Store to multidimensional array
In this article, I am going to discus on how to store the shopping cart items into multidimensional array and store the array elements into the database table. To learn how to create MS Access database please view my tutorial; Create MS Access Database table
Traditionally , the shopping catalog will display the items before the user can choose to buy it.
1. First we need to connect to the database.
' connect to the database
dim db_string
cs="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"&_
" DBQ="&db_string&";"
Set cn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.mode=3 'adModeReadWrite, to avoid unspecified problem error cs
If you are not sure the path for the database you can ASP server variable to get the virtual path
response.write server.MapPath("catalog.mdb")
Where "catalog.mdb" is your database name.
2. We assume that in catalog.mdb there is a table name item_tab. Item_tab store products details data to be display in the catalog. If you wish to know on how to input into database table please refer my tutorial on ASP: Insert into Database
2. We assume that in catalog.mdb there is a table name item_tab. Item_tab store products details data to be display in the catalog. If you wish to know on how to input into database table please refer my tutorial on ASP: Insert into Database
This codes will query from the item_tab table and assign to a multidimensional array
' first select records from item_tab and display it
stritem="select item_id,item_name,item_price,item_qty"
stritem=stritem & " from item_tab where item_qty >='1'"
set rsitem=cn.execute(stritem)
if not rsitem.eof then
' assign the recordset into a multidimensional array
end if
<form name="frmpick" action="view_cat_test.asp" method=post ID=Form3>
<%if isarray(aitem) then%>
<th>ITEM ID</th>
<th>ITEM NAME</th>
<td colspan=5 align=center>
<input type="button" name="btnadd" value="ADD TO YOUR CART" onclick="document.frmpick.submit()" ID=Button1>
<INPUT type="hidden" ID=hstrsel name="hstrsel" value="<%=strsel%>">
<% for i=0 to ubound(aitem,2)%>
<td><INPUT type="checkbox" ID=Chksel name="chksel" value="<%=aitem(0,i)%>">
<%for j=0 to ubound(aitem,1)%>
The above codes will display the elements of array in HTML table format.
3. Notice the Lines
<td colspan=5 align=center>
<input type="button" name="btnadd" value="ADD TO YOUR CART" onclick="document.frmpick.submit()" ID=Button1>
The Button is used to send the selected item to the shopping cart
4. Once the button is clicked the selected item will be display in the shopping cart.
<!--Display The shopping Cart -->
<td valign="top" align="center">
<th colspan=2>Shopping Cart</th>
<% if isarray(acart) then %>
<%for n=0 to ubound(acart,2)%>
<%for m=0 to ubound(acart,1)%>
<%next %>
<td><INPUT type="checkbox" name="chkrem" id="chkrem" value="<%=acart(0,n)%>"></td>
<td colspan=2>
<INPUT type="submit" value="Remove" ID=Submit1>
<% else %>
Your shopping cart is currently empty
<% end if%>
The background process for "ADD TO CART " button
'Add into the shopping cart
' get the previous select
'response.Write "strsel:" & strsel
' 1. Get the checkbox value (current select)
chksel=replace(chksel," ","") ' to remove the extra space in the checkbox value
if chksel<>"" then
if strsel="" then
strsel=strsel & "," & chksel
end if
end if
5. Remove from the shopping cart. Once the item is selected into the shopping cart, it can be remove using this codes:
' remove item from shopping cart
chkrem=replace(trim(request.form("chkrem"))," ","")
if chkrem<>"" then
'remove the item from array
if isarray(arem) then
for p=0 to ubound(arem)
end if
if strsel<>"" then strsel=left(strsel,(len(strsel)-1))
end if
6. Everytime the user click the checkbox , the system will treat the quantity as 1. It will keep on added to the quantity it the item is clicked again. Example of the string created by the process is something similar like:
strsel= "a,a,b,c,a,d,c,e,f"
Technically after assigning to the multidimensional array the array will be;
Item Quantity
a 1
a 1
b 1
c 1
a 1
d 1
c 1
e 1
f 1
However, the desired result to be display in the shopping cart should be
Item Quantity
a 3
b 1
c 2
d 1
e 1
f 1
I use the dictionary scripting object to handle the repetitive array element and do the counting of the quantity:
redim acart(2,0)
Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For k = 0 To UBound(asel)
If oDic.Exists(asel(k)) Then
oDic.Item(asel(k)) = oDic.Item(asel(k)) +1
oDic.Add asel(k), 1
End If
For Each strDate In oDic.Keys()
'response.Write "<br>item " & strDate & " --" & oDic.Item(strDate) & " qty"
redim preserve acart(2,ecount)
end if
if strsel<>"" then
redim acart(2,0)
Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For k = 0 To UBound(asel)
If oDic.Exists(asel(k)) Then
oDic.Item(asel(k)) = oDic.Item(asel(k)) +1
oDic.Add asel(k), 1
End If
For Each strDate In oDic.Keys()
'response.Write "<br>item " & strDate & " --" & oDic.Item(strDate) & " qty"
redim preserve acart(2,ecount)
end if
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